God trusting me with a vision on modesty was never something I had dreamt of because of how immoderate I was. Moderation was far from me. I didn’t know where to draw the line, especially with clothing. As long as I was comfortable, I was okay.
However, I had an experience at college that I’ll never forget, simply because of what it could have led to.
I was going through a break up at the time and I wanted to show my ex what he was missing, so I wore a mini skirt to campus and almost everything that should have been hidden was exposed.
After class, I was on my way home when some men in their respective vehicles almost clashed because they were busy looking at what I was revealing. My friends called my attention to it and I became very angry with myself, thinking about what could have happened. That was the extent to which what I wore was revealing.
We live in a world wherein when modesty is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is clothing. I used to think that way too until I encountered a scripture that advices us to rend our heart rather than our garments; God told me "it's easy to look modest but it's the heart I'm after not your clothing".
After this encounter, my perspective started to change about modesty.
I had a lot of self-doubt when I was given the vision, because I did not believe that I was modest enough, but once I started on the assignment I realized that God’s ways are not ours.
One important thing I had to realise was, as much as a fundamental part of modesty deals with our outward representation, modesty starts from the inside.
In the other words, we reveal what we are full of internally, outwardly. We cannot claim to be modest internally, if Jesus is not seen outwardly, when the reason we strive to be modest in the first place is to reveal Jesus.
Modesty is first a heart issue. It is first a character issue to be more direct, it’s an inside issue. We cannot fully be modest if our lives speak something different.
Every one can wear modest wear, yes, but who are they representing? Dressing modestly is easy. Unbelievers can dress that way too, so what makes you stand out is how much of God you portray. How is Christ being revealed in the way you carry yourself? How do you glorify God and how do you shine your light?
The difference between a Christian being modest and others being modest is the spirit of God, for it is the spirit of God that their modesty represents.
As a Christian, it is the Spirit of God that helps us in every struggle we may have to be modest. The more like Jesus you become, the more moderate you become.
The man without Christ is comfortable with revealing what should be kept, they don’t see a problem with it. "My body, my choice" and honestly that’s acceptable to them because they’re not under the authority we've submitted to. The man who is submitted to God’s spirit, is not comfortable with exposing their bodies, not because they cannot, but because their body is not their own. It is Christ's.
Modesty should not be a struggle for the church. We should be so full of Jesus, modesty should not be a problem. Our Master and Friend, Jesus, lived a modest life and we ought to do the same.
As you work on yourself inwardly, watch how it will reveal in your clothing. The beautiful thing is, you don’t have to do it alone. Ask God to help you, and He will.
Modesty is not burdensome as some have made it to be. Don't allow men set the standards for modesty when the only one that can actually be our standard is Jesus Christ! When we look at Christ we get to understand that modesty is not just about clothing but a way of life in general. Jesus was modest in every way and since he’s our model, we ought to represent him well.
Modesty lies at the core of Christian living, and we cannot represent Christ or be worthy ambassadors if we're immodest!
What you project outside says a whole lot about what you're harbouring inside.
When you cultivate modesty in your heart, dressing modestly becomes an expression of it.
Even though modesty becomes a way of life gradually, we say yes to modesty the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour for it is His standard and that is what we have agreed to. Modesty follows after receiving salvation, by spending time with God, allowing him refine you and yielding to the Holy Spirit.
Can we redefine modesty?
Modesty is a heart issue: it is how you allow Christ carry you and in return how you show forth the carrier.
Modesty is Jesus revealed!
We are not banned from smelling nice or looking good we just have to be moderate!
As children of God, we are expected to be both decent and modest.
God wants that for us.
One of my God-given vision is to let everyone know that modesty is beautiful and it is God's will for our lives. God has given me the platform to carry out this vision through Project March ~The beauty of modesty. Through seminars held in the month of March, this project continually reminds me also, that modesty is truly beautiful.
March - and every other day in our lives - is dedicated to modesty.
Modesty~Christ revealed!
Batula Leah Fackie
And there is so much beauty in modesty.. The fact that you look classy and don’t have to go through the struggles of pulling up and down or twitching and lifting sleeves.. It peace in it entirety.. God bless you Batula
Beautiful write up. Bless you 🙏
Modesty should be a way of life inwardly and outwardly.
An amazing read “Modesty is Jesus revealed!”
This right here!! Our very existence should be that Christ is revealed.
Thank you, ma